
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Truffle Tremor® Review

In the rural county of Humboldt that sits just above San Francisco, California, cheese maker Mary Keehn runs Cypress Grove Chevere, an award-winning goat cheese company. Known primarily for its famous Humboldt Fog goat cheese, the company produces many other outstanding fresh and aged artisanal cheeses.
Humboldt County, California

From the Cypress Grove website:
Cypress Grove goat

The seeds of Cypress Grove Chevre were sown in the 1970s when Mary Keehn, a single mother of four daughters living in Humboldt County, began looking for a healthy source of milk for her family. As luck would have it, a neighbor had goats. When asked by Mary if she was interested in selling them, she told her, "Honey, if you can catch them, you can have them." Armed only with her resolve and a coffee can full of oats, Mary captured two does, and in doing so launched a unique place in American food history. Possessing a background in biology, Mary's interest turned to breeding her goats. Within a few years, the size of the herd had increased significantly and she found herself with excess goat milk. She started experimenting with cheese making in her kitchen and with a small customer-base already growing, she officially launched Cypress Grove Chevre in 1983. 
Truffle Tremor
Truffle Tremor is a ripened goat cheese loaded with black truffles flaked throughout the pristine white interior that's covered by a beautiful bloomy rind. Welcome to the Cadillac of goat cheeses. 

When you buy this cheese, it makes you feel like you are pampering yourself. It's a grand extravagance, and this cheese takes gourmet to a whole new level. Flaky goat cheese with black Italian truffles... what more could anyone ask for in a little gastronomic splurge?

This is one of the most addicting and intriguing cheeses on the planet. One bite will rock your world. Take the best goat cheese you can imagine, elevate ten fold, and you have Truffle Tremor.

Just under the white, fuzzy rind is a lovely gooey creamline that gets stronger in flavor as the cheese ages. Truffle Tremor has Brie-like qualities, but it's recognizable as a goat cheese. Biting into the soft, fluffy, cakey core, you will experience all the distinctive tang, sharp and slightly sour notes of most goat cheeses, but you will find that the truffles intensify and deepen the overall mushroomy flavor of the chewy, earthy rind. The texture ranges from dry to creamy, and the flavor evolves on your palate and leaves you with a lingering tangy aftertaste.

Pinot Noir

Truffle Tremor goat cheese is aged one month and made of pasteurized goat milk. It pairs well with a Pinot Noir or, when aged longer, a port wine. 

I was so excited about sampling this cheese that I forgot to take a picture and only remembered when there was one little bite left.

What's the most intriguing goat cheese you have tried?


  1. I realize this review was posted in 2014, so I don't know if anyone will see this. Austin Cheese Co. recently opened in Austin, and when I went in to the store this week, this was the first cheese I've tried. I've since then have been obsessing over the flavor and how good this cheese was. I can't stop thinking about it, but I can't bring myself to spend so much money on cheese, but I'm getting there. I'm so happy I found Truffle Tremor.

  2. Thank you for your comment.

    It really is a beautiful cheese. There are some other nice truffle cheeses out there, including a wonderful Gouda. What I love about Truffle Tremor is how subtle but intriguing the flavors are. It's so perfectly balanced. I hear you about the price, though. I wish these kinds of incredible cheeses were more affordable!

  3. Are there any hormones in this cheese?

    1. As far as I know, Cypress Grove doesn't use any hormones. They have been recognized by the American Humane Association, which has endorsed their dairy model as Humane Certified with a score of 100 percent for three years running now.
